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Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:55 pm
by Lily
Vortex, absolutely brilliant to have you here. Your knowledge and enthusiasm will be a welcome addition to AWF, and we're very happy to have someone from up north join us :D

Rog, great to read a bit more about you! '71 eh? Good year that ;) :laughing: LMAO at your 5 year old donating his intellect to his sister, too funny!

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:20 pm
by Spargs
Gday I am Spargs,
Don't usually post but love reading all the posts, but since I had birthday greetings I should thank everyone and introduce myself. My proper name is Scott, I am 21 years old and have lived in Sunbury for all of that. I only have one sister and a cavoodle "charlie". I have a girlfriend Emma we have been dating since year 11. I study at RMIT in the city (Landscape Architecture/Urban Planning) a 5 year course and am on the verge of completing my 3rd year. Love the course even though at times it drives me crazy! I am also a mad swans supporter my whole family were old south supporters and have stuck with them since they moved North. Will be there on Saturday Night to see them beat the Dogs haha.

I guess my love for weather started with the really hot days in Summer and getting days off school and as such looking forward to them haha. Although my love for the heat has somewhat waned in the past few years. I was never really bothered by cold weather until I lived in Canada (Toronto) for 6 months during Nov04/May05, the relentless cold there has left a permanent imprint on my psyche and as such loathe cold wet weather. Continue posting great posts and i will continue reading them (maybe even post now and then).


Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:43 pm
by Lily
Well hello, Scott! Nice to meet you :D

So how was your 21st? Hope you had a great time :cheers: and hope to hear more from you soon :)

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:19 pm
by Spargs
Hi Lily
Yeh my 21st was good at the castle hotel in North Melbourne (although it is already 2 months ago) haha scary I know! Big nite out followed, and I even managed to get to the footy to watch the swans and blues the next day! but I crashed very heavily that Sunday night! ;)

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:33 pm
by Leasy
Spargs wrote:Gday I am Spargs,
Don't usually post but love reading all the posts, but since I had birthday greetings I should thank everyone and introduce myself. My proper name is Scott, I am 21 years old and have lived in Sunbury for all of that. I only have one sister and a cavoodle "charlie". I have a girlfriend Emma we have been dating since year 11. I study at RMIT in the city (Landscape Architecture/Urban Planning) a 5 year course and am on the verge of completing my 3rd year. Love the course even though at times it drives me crazy! I am also a mad swans supporter my whole family were old south supporters and have stuck with them since they moved North. Will be there on Saturday Night to see them beat the Dogs haha.

I guess my love for weather started with the really hot days in Summer and getting days off school and as such looking forward to them haha. Although my love for the heat has somewhat waned in the past few years. I was never really bothered by cold weather until I lived in Canada (Toronto) for 6 months during Nov04/May05, the relentless cold there has left a permanent imprint on my psyche and as such loathe cold wet weather. Continue posting great posts and i will continue reading them (maybe even post now and then).

Great to have a Swannies supporter on board! I'm a Swannies Supporter too, my Mum was a Bloods supporter back in those days as well as her Mum, and her Mum as well! Went to the inaugural Sydney Swans hall of fame last year and met all of the players - was a great night! My whole family are supporters and it was such a shame that we went down to the dogs last week. :(

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:17 pm
by BigBen
Hi all, apologies for never posting here I amazingly overlooked the thread?

My name is Ben (no surprise) I'm an accounts clerk (part Time) at a company called Infoxchange Australia in Abbotsford (across the road from Jane/AUSSKY) and to add to the "stalkiness" of things I'm originally from Woodend (still call it home) and my Mum knows Jane :-) (Mum is involved in the RSL and gets toner from Jane who is nice enough to deliver it in person on her way home on the rare occasion it's ordered.)
I also work for a friend who owns a Vidoe store in Prahran doing his accounts which is approx 1 day a week. So occasionally I'll make the odd post from Prahran (like today)

I've just moved to Sunshine North after being in Murrumbeena for 16 years, addicted to sport and weather. Always wanted to be a weather person but sadly it never panned out (was doing a TAFE course 1991 which was BOM sanctioned only for the BOM to pull out as RMIT wasn't producing what they wanted in their recruits) I've worked mainly in accounts though flirted with Football (as a Property Steward & statistician for a VFL club) which was fun but sadly it was more voluntary than paid so had to get a real job which ended that bit of fun, though we won a flag which was an awesome experience.

I don't storm chase but would love reading anything and everything about storms, I was on wz and when this started followed the knowledgeable ones across to here.

What else is there to tell, I'm 37, single (and happy that way) aside from sport (just about any sport) and weather I'm into cards, being a Bridge player, I'm also a solid 8-ball player love a game of Poker and am a collector of Music video's (yes Video!) I've about 250 hours of music videos mainly 80's & 90's stuff but my range of what I like is large. I'll talk the hind leg off an iron chair, especially about sport, music, weather or politics. I Don't understand cat people or dog people as I believe that both are great.

that's about it, I'll put my Lurker's hat back on again.

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:10 pm
by Lily
BigBen wrote:I Don't understand cat people or dog people as I believe that both are great.
Awwww, you sound like my kind of person! I have a golden retriever, a jack russell and a spoilt rotten cat so I can only agree with you lol! Lovely to "meet" you at last, Ben, don't lurk too much, we'd love to hear more from you :)

Bummer about the RMIT course :( Interesting where our lives lead us sometimes, isn't it?

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:01 pm
by ULD
Hi I'm Michael (ULD, upper level disturbance). Been back following weather very closely since the late 1990s after I discovered the Internet was allowing like minded people to get in contact with each other. I'm single, nearly 53 (boy, that's gone fast) and have fathered three boys through a lesbian donor arrangement. I'm probably one of Australia's most cautious and sometimes scared chasers, but I will go places I'd never dream of going if someone else is driving. Did Meteorology at University to 2nd/3rd year level back in the 1970s, but at that point my maths gave out on me and so I turned to study psychology. I live and work in Canberra (have done since 1985) but am a frequent visitor to my home state of Victoria, where I chase when opportunity and circumstances allow. I come from Bendigo and have also lived in Melbourne and near Shepparton. i love deserts, particularly Central Australa and get up there once or twice a year. First became interested in weather when I was about seven - not sure what prompted this but it could have been a 'three inches in an hour' thunderstorm which tavelled through our town. As I alluded to above, I love getting out in the wide open flat spaces for the sense of freedom it gives and a storm added into the mix, is a bonus.

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:44 pm
by Lily
Hello Michael, and a warm welcome from all of us. Great to have you here, and particularly good to have some more people north of the border joining us :D

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:51 pm
by greensyboy
Hi All,

Thought I should probably say G'Day to everyone. My name is Nathan, been a long time lurker here and member for about a year, first time posting.

I'm a 23 year old student at RMIT Bundoora studying Aerospace Engineering, for about another two weeks when I'll wait to find out if I can graduate in December, which is going to be great!
I fell in love with the weather back in the early 90's when I saw the Wizard of Oz for the first time. I guess I'm more of a Severe storm lover than weather general. The one thing I want to do before I die is go storm chasing in the US, but being around this forum the past year and a bit I'm not sure I'm going to need to go over there to see some spectacular stuff!
I would love to do some storm chasing over here this season, and have been learning what I can about the subject, but still a long way off from being able to safely out go out on my own.

Apart from that I have a part time job at a medium MSP in Bundoora (Managed Services Provider) mainly involves me logging into people's computers and fixing problems which they have. I'm also very involved with a Christian Uni group called Student Life which I'll be joining full time next year.

Looking forward to interacting with the forum a little more now - especially during the severe weather events. If you have any questions feel free to ask!

See you all around,


Oh yeah, I also have a great weather lookout spot in Greensborough, but haven't heard anyone mention it so I'm happy to give instructions to anyone that wants to check it out. It's where I usually go for an events that are happening.

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:11 pm
by brayden
Welcome Nate! enjoy the forum, if your keen to do some chasing, John/Brad are the usual chasers from melbs. I know there are others, maybe we should have a chase buddies program lol. People meet each other at meets/conferences etc. and get to know, so a good way to find some chase partners.


Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:04 pm
by Kris
Well, brand new here. Already posted in the wrong section... sigh, will I ever learn? lol. Anyways, I am a 34 year old electrician, wife, two beautiful daughters (9 & 2). Have been very interested in the weather through out my life; however, have never really had the time to do much about it. I lived in Darwin for four years and that is where I technically started "chasing" but just going for a drive and following the dark grey, lightning infused clouds wasn't enough so I surfed the net and bought equipment which I have recently dusted off, so here's hoping to catch some more action soon.

Moved back to Seymour (Central Vic) and my interest and time has again peaked, so this time I hope to make a better go of it.

Anyways, nice to meet you all and I look forward to the upcoming Thunderstorm season. :-)

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:14 pm
by Karl Lijnders
You did just fine Kris lol! I always post in the wrong section and get told off so not to worry. I even delete things without realising too, just a clutz!!'

Welcome to you and looking forward to hearing more from you!!! :)

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:01 pm
by Lily
Welcome Kris & hello Nate, sorry I didn't say hi to you earlier :) Good to have you both here!
Karl Lijnders wrote:I even delete things without realising too, just a clutz!!'
He really has done this, he's not lying :rotfl: Don't worry Kris, you're not alone, I don't think anyone here could claim to have never committed some sort of online faux pas at some point :D

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:05 pm
by eddie
I hate computers, I really do, they Pour me off too often, argh!

Sorry for the little rant, another attempt at posting this now...

Hi I am Eddie, 24 year old full time Accounting student (Could almost be a career student the way I am heading!)

I am really fascinated by the weather, playing alot of outdoor sport and now fighting fires I always like to know what the weather will be doing each day I am out in it. Unlike everyone on here I cant really decipher what all those weather charts are saying so I love these forums where people can interpret them and give us detailed forecasts of what will happen, being so widespread it also gives a great idea of what is happening locally so thankyou.

I love to watch lightning, not so much the thunder though that goes with it as my hearing aids can sometimes be sensitive to loud noises. I first posted on WX forums a few years back, enjoyed them untill they screwed up at some stage and couldnt get back on, then when I did someone pointed me to here to which I was grateful, missed all the great information you all provided.

Finally got myself a rainfall guage recently, been meaning to for years but never got around to it, always felt we got more rain than any of the local weather stations which arent that close by and I was right recording over 260mm in my 1st month, really looking forward to more great events like the couple we recently had

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:21 pm
by Lily
Welcome Eddie! Are you in the CFA?

I would have thought studying accounting you'd have a pretty good relationship with your computer lol. Fully understand your frustrations, I've had some huge computer issues lately which have nearly driven me up the wall, and they're still ongoing (but getting better thank goodness).

Really good to see so many new members joining us (the interesting weather is helping somewhat, though we all know everyone's really here for Karl's grace and charm rofl :laughing: ). Glad you found us :)

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:10 am
by SunsetTwilight
Im Sonia from the UK. Have loved weather for many many years now. Have a home weather station and rainfall gauge in the backgarden. Favorite weather being storms and snow. Hope to live the dream of going to tornado alley one day on a tour, along with seeing the northern lights. Im also into astronomy and have 3 professional telescopes and done open uni courses on the subject. I do photography (scenic, weather and space)

I work as an office administrator in engineering and love what i do, the people are great to work with and actually having my lunch in peace is very rare! :?

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:04 am
by Rivergirl
Welcome Sonia :) Great to have someone from the UK join us. My niece lives over there now and my sister has just returned from a holiday there. You'll love this forum

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:44 pm
by daviescr
Welcome Sonia :) we hope you enjoy our forum - as Rivergirl says, it's great to have overseas members...

Any tips on how the winter will be in the UK this year? I've read some reports saying it will be pretty average, but others suggesting it could a cold one again - was great to watch the wild weather unfold last winter.I'm kinda hoping it will be equally cold and snowy this year - my wife and I are taking our 8 month old son back to see families for Christmas.

I'm originally from Manchester, moved out here 5 years ago and really miss the Atlantic storms we got every year...

Re: So... tell me about YOU!

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:53 pm
by Anthony Violi
Hello Anthony. I love using emoticons!!

:-D :-D :bringiton: :bringiton: :woooo: :woooo: :woooo: :woooo: :lighting: :lighting: :hysteria: :hysteria: :hysteria: :laughing: :laughing: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :mexicanwave: :mexicanwave: :happybirthday: :happybirthday: :banana: :banana: :banana: :afraid: :afraid: :afraid: :cheers2: :cheers2: :stir: :stir: :stir: :applause: :applause: :applause: :cheers2: :cheers2: :bunnydance: :bunnydance: :cutlass: :cutlass: :cutlass:

I also love using words like this on facebook... :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: Feel free to add me if thats your thing.

And in case you havent geussed, i always see the lighter side of life and am a rather large child for 37 yeas old.

And also, on Australia Day 2002, lightning missed me by 5 metres and hit my dads chimney when i went to visit in Coldstream.