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Carbon Tax

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Karl Lijnders
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Carbon Tax

Post by Karl Lijnders »

So we know it is coming to the parliament to be voted on, but there is a lot of backlash from the people in this decision...One such letter below

Make LPG Exempt from the Carbon Tax
Dear Ms. Gillard,

I would like to offer a suggestion, one that makes simple science to a simpleton like me. Now I know that in this commercial world most people are not happy unless they are complaining, and I know there probably would be a real fear amongst leaders if the complainers had something substantiate. I Get IT. However, after suffering more ego than brains at university, let me digres to some of my second year science knowledge and offer perhaps a practical solution to carbon emissions, inclusive of a bridge for Bob and Dee Battler in the outer suburbs.

Now in order for me to do this, one must extract and identify the people who are nothing but petrol heads who believe LPG is a waste of time, Much like the 20's something progeny of a Collywobble barracking family; changing football teams to the Bulldogs. But before I get all deep and heavy into things greater than science, let me discuss the root of climate change, the humble molecular weight of gas!

Above: The Octane molecule.
This is the reason our primitive cars go fast and make losts of loud noises...

Vroooom Vrooooooooom!

*In simpleton terms lest assume the molecular weight is relative to the number of Carbon atoms as it is the heaviest.

Above: The Propane Molecule with 3/8th's the weight of Petrol.

Now some Bankers may have you suggest that LPG takes more fuel to cover the same distance as a tank of petrol, they may also suggest Propane is over a long period of time more damaging to your engine. Pinging etc. However, I know that if you were to run the following vechile on a Hybrid LPG System...

For every litre of petrol you put into your tank you would produce 3/8th's of the emotions if you use LPG.
What ever the short comings of LPG, you can make up the difference with the Hybrid technology. And I feel a fair assumption the Petrol heads of this world although fearful of change may infact help evolve the technology much as they have done with the CC's of today.

So we have established how bob and Dee can afford to commute to work everyday, except for my suggestion that Australia has a wealth of LPG Supplies and we are now able to protect ourselves from the next major oil hike to $180 per barrel of crude. In order for your government to effectively build Canberra's Abbot proof fence, it is not a question of just a Carbon tax, but keeping the greener aternatives Tax free!

Best Regards and Wishes

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Re: Carbon Tax

Post by Anthony Violi »

Its a tax on CO2, not carbon. Just another lie from the soon to be former government.

CO2 makes up 0.038% of our atmosphere. I think thats enough said.

The whole thing is a sham and cant wait for the next election which may come sooner rather than later once Oakshott and Windsor realise they are dead in the water.
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Re: Carbon Tax

Post by Anthony Violi »

Good to see the ALp party is being sent a clear message of what will occur at the next federal election.

They are finished, as are the fraudsters the Greens. They will not get back in power for decades.

Especially after the alarmist Tim Flannery, employed by the government to spread the word about Co2, made one of the biggest cock ups in history this week with this blonde moment quote.

Climate Commissioner and warmist Tim Flannery on Friday:

"If the world as a whole cut all emissions tomorrow the average temperature of the planet is not going to drop in several hundred years, perhaps as much as a thousand years"

And they want to tax us on our breathing....an unadulterated criminal act.
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Re: Carbon Tax

Post by Anthony Violi »

This is how the Labor Party roll.....corrupt and decietful..No snow by 2050 in Australia, never heard so much horsesh1t in all my life.

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/nationa ... 6028368404" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

JULIA Gillard has told Labor MPs to warn voters that a failure to back a carbon tax will lead to more bushfires and droughts as well as coastal inundation and shorter skiing seasons.
MPs have also been instructed to warn constituents that unchecked climate change would lead to people in northern NSW experiencing a climate like that of Cairns, in far north Queensland.

The Prime Minister has given her troops scripted lines they should use with journalists or constituents, which justify the use of public money on government advertising in an apparent bid to soften up the electorate for a coming campaign in favour of the tax.

Political parties routinely distribute talking point briefs to MPs containing lines they should use to ensure consistency of political messaging.

The latest talking points document distributed to Labor MPs, obtained by The Weekend Australian, exhorts MPs to accuse Tony Abbott of conducting a fear campaign about the carbon tax, but is liberally peppered with scary lines about the effects of not acting on climate change.

Proposed warnings to be offered include: "If we don't act then we will see more extreme weather events like bushfires and droughts. We will have more days of extreme heat and we will see our coastline flooded as sea levels rise.

"People in northern NSW will feel like they live in Cairns. That will affect the crops we grow, it will affect our native animals, and it will affect our lifestyles."

MPs are also urged to warn that extreme weather leads to associated additional deaths.

"Sea levels could rise by up to a metre and possibly even more by the end of the century," the document says. "Up to 250,000 existing homes are at risk of inundation.

"Climate change will see the average snow season contract by between 85 per cent and 96 per cent by 2050, and disappear by the end of the century."

MPs are also given lines aimed at demonising the Opposition Leader, attributing his refusal to back a carbon tax and his condemnation of Ms Gillard's broken promise on the issue to the claim that he "does not care about climate change" and is engaged in a scare campaign.

The dire warnings continued last night, when the head of the government's newly unveiled Climate Commission, Tim Flannery, said in a radio interview that even if all global emissions were immediately cut, it would have no effect on world temperatures for up to 1000 years.

''The talking points document also gives Labor MPs advice about how to respond to suggestions the government will use public money to advertise its carbon pricing plans.

The issue is politically fraught for Labor, which in opposition strongly criticised the previous Howard government for the use of taxpayer-funded campaigns to promote its achievements.

The brief to MPs asked them to stress that "no decisions" had been made -- which is the mantra being used by Climate Change Minister Greg Combet.

They were advised to continue to say: "But as part of that process of making sure the community has information, sometimes campaigns are one way of getting that information out -- as Tony Abbott has admitted."

MPs were told to reject any suggestion that Ms Gillard wilfully misled voters last year, when, before the election, she ruled out a carbon tax. One of the suggested responses to any question about the broken promise was: "As the PM said, we never intended to mislead people -- but the fact is that we were faced with a parliament we didn't expect."
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Re: Carbon Tax

Post by Petethemoskeet »

Wanted new and ex hangmen to perform public lynchings.Work will be performed in Canberra so potential applicants will need to relocate.
Some moving costs will be reimbursed.If interested in these positions please forward resume to LNP corp PO box 9999999999 Canberra
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Re: Carbon Tax

Post by retiredweatherman »

" The science is in ". Often quoted by the PM and others to justify the relevant political agenda. The Carbon Tax of course has just been pushed through the Lower House and is now a fait accompli as the Senate Collins Street latte set will now rubber stamp it.

But which science ? Why only ONE piece.

PM, what caused the Ice Ages? What is the science behind this? And what is the science behind the continual WARMING of the Globe from the last Ice Age, which is still occurring?

Slight orbital changes around the sun maybe ?

PM, in more modern times, what is the science behind the documented centuries long Medieval Warm Period of just 1000 years ago when Greenland was virtually ice free and colonized by the Vikings and others, with the Globe warmer than today ( no power stations or cars ) ?

Slight wobble of the Earth on its axis maybe ?

PM, what is the science behind the even more documented Little Ice Age of the 1600's, which just happened to coincide with a prolonged documented period of minimal solar sunspot activity?

Whenever solar activity has been suggested to be behind many climate changes, the scientific community quickly jumps up and says the sun has has no effect.

Well then PM and scientists, without pages of equations, what caused the last 2 events( which were NOT included in the Hockey Stick by the way ) when CO2 was not a factor ?

Even today the Earth is not heating as quickly as previously, overall ocean heat is falling, sea level rises are slowing and even very recently are slightly falling, which just happen to coincide with a prolonged ( not by 1600's standards yet ) lessening of solar activity.

So PM and scientists, what is causing this right now ?

Finally PM, thank you for the Carbon Tax. As a pensioner on the married rate of $250 p.w. ( no super, no investments ) paying Housing Commission unsubsidized rent of $280 p.w., thank you for the upcoming $10 p.w. pension increase to cover increased power costs.

But what about secondary and tertiary costs. As renters, by law, in Qld we now have to pay for every drop of water used ( previously included in rents ). These water charges will now increase further as the now privatized utility companies will say it costs more to pump water. They will add a bit more on top for the shareholders and the already half million dollar CEO salaries.
The servos will add more to fuel as it will cost more to use the pumps. The supermarkets will add more to food costs to cover increased power charges ( plus a bit on top too as described earlier ).

So PM thanks is advance for the $10 pension increase. I am sure it will cover not only power increases directly, but all the " extras " as described, plus many more.

So yes PM, the science is in.

Oh, and by the way, science has told us for many decades that nothing moves faster than the speed of light. In recent weeks this has now been refuted..